The place where you can find the latest and most useful advertising information.


What is Ad Viewability and How Does it Impact Your Revenue?

What is Ad Viewability and How Does it Impact Your Revenue?

1. What is Ad Viewability? Ad viewability is a metric used in digital advertising to measure how visible the ads are on the publisher’s website to users. According to the...
What is Google intension when they remove SPM but keep MCM?

What is Google intension when they remove SPM but keep MCM?

Many publishers use Google Ad Manager, a centralized ad management platform that allows them to monetize a variety of inventory including websites, videos, and apps. It gives them access to...
Top 4 Websites Earn the Most Money with Google AdSense

Top 4 Websites Earn the Most Money with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a free advertising program that allows you to run ads on your website, blog, or YouTube videos and get paid when visitors click on them. Google AdSense...
Ad Blocking and how to solve this problem

Ad Blocking and how to solve this problem

1. How does ad blocking affect publishers? Ad Blocking, or as we know it, is software on a computer or phone that is used to block ads that appear when...
Shadow traffic and how it effect you

Shadow traffic and how it effect you

Google Analytics (GA) has been a very helpful tool for publishers to keep on track with what's going on with their websites or apps. But then you noticed an unusual...
Should or Shouldn’t using targert CPM for floor price management

Should or Shouldn’t using targert CPM for floor price management

Google introduced the Target CPM feature to dynamically expand the possibilities for managing floor prices. The assumption of Target CPM is a better and more lucrative adjustment of floor price...
Ad format worth trying to increase your revenue

Ad format worth trying to increase your revenue

With many formats and suitable for both large and small businesses, Google Ad Manager (GAM) is currently one of Google's advertising products worth using the most. Understanding the psychology of...
Netlink recruiting account manager

Netlink recruiting account manager

Job Description: - General job: Manage clients and be responsible for the quality of the client's ad account. - Support customers to set up advertising accounts. - Analyze potential advertising...